#p <nat>Roman<n>Herod Philip I<aka>Herod<c>Judea<b>30 B.C.(10)<d>34(1)<fa>Herod I<info>Herod Philip was disowned by Herod due to his mother's treachery.
<c>Judea<mov>38(2)<c>Italy<mov>39(1)<c>Gaul<info>Herodias married her uncle, Herod Philip I. She later married his half-brother, her uncle Herod Antipas. She was banished with Herod Antipas to Gaul in A.D. 40.
#p <nat>Roman<n>Salome<fem><b>10(5)<d>75(20)<fa>Herod Philip I<mo>Herodias
<c>Rome<mov>7(1)<c>Gaul<info>Archelaus' mother was Malthace. He was ethnarch of Judea and Samaria.
#p <nat>Roman<o>ruler<n>Herod Antipas<app>4 B.C.<depo>39(1)<d>50(5)<fa>Herod I
<c>Galilee<mov>38(2)<c>Italy<mov>39(1)<c>Gaul<info>Herod Antipas was tetrarch of Galilee and Perea. He married a daughter of Aretas IV, whom he later divorced in order to marry his niece, Herodias. He and Herodias were banished to Gaul in A.D. 40.
#p <nat>Roman<o>ruler<n>Herod Philip II<sur>Philip<aka>Philip<b>20 B.C.(10)<d>34<fa>Herod I
<c>Traconitis<app>4 B.C.<info>Herod Philip's mother's name was Cleopatra. He was tetrarch of Traconitis. He ordered John the Baptist beheaded.